Use this post to share your reactions to the novel.
Alice Sebold's story is narrated by a 14 year old victim of a violent crime who tells the story of her death from heaven. How can you apply the fiction writing we've been doing with the Columbia Artists/Teachers to analyze Sebold's story-telling techniques?
But I will, I believe Lindsey is the only person in this story feel has faith in her sister. She has put her foot down and she not going to show emotion. I think in a sense Susie looked up to her sister. Lindsey is strong and she is determine to not let her sisiter death make her some charity case.
I read something in the book that made me feel really bad inside. It is when she was talking about how Mr. Harvey was dead and she was alive. It makes me think is that foreshadowing or is she just speaking about life in her heaven.
I kind of agree with you Kissy, but i think its the other way around. I feel that Susie is the only one that has faith in Lindsey. It seems to me that while anyone is freaking out and worrying about Lindsey being sad, Lindsey is dealing with things better than the adults. Lindsey strong and she knows that she will always have her big sister watching over her.
I agree with both of you guys. It seems like they are the only ones believing in each other. Susie seems like she is trying to believe that her mom and father will come through and that the guy will be caught but her sister is the only one responding. It comes to show you that sometimes the children can be stronger than the grown ups.
ALSO.! The part that Kissy said also made me feel sad. Because I had a little moment when I was wondering if people that go to heaven wish the same thing with the people that have harmed them..honestly I would if I died tomorrow (god forbid) and went to heaven (hopefully).!
On top of that I think Mr. Harvey is an ass..He's really ruining the image of Harvey's all over the world..The guy from Sabrina the teenage witch is named Harvey and he's nice..but kind of an airhead..other wise HE'S RUINING IT.!
**Last part is that he should get shot. >=]
Like seriously Mr. Harvey needs to die and just go away. The fact that he used the trust Susie kind of had for him because he was a neighbor was mess up. I know that Susie would have never gone with him if she didn't know who he was.
Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was extremely busy working on two term papers that the due dates are fast approaching with. Fortunately I finished one of them. Anyways, on to The Lovely Bones. I personally think this book is awesome and I'm really enjoying it. In chapter 3 a few key points that I felt that were worth mentioning isn't very important to the plot, but funny and interesting none-the-less is the vast amount of differences that exist between today's society and the society in the 70's. I was fairly shocked that in a JHS there is a "student-smoking lounge" and that many people were smoking marijuana (and Ruth's vengeance for Susie by stealing Brian's marijuana) is extremely shocking. Ruth seems to be developing an OCD for Susie and finding out who the entity was. Aside from Ruth's encounter with marijuana, several other key events happened in this chapter and that is that we see Susie coming to terms with her disappearance from Earth and realizing finally that the odds of her returning to Earth are not gonna happen and we see this as she tries to transform Franny into a mother figure but, alas, does not due to the fact that she knows it would be wrong to do that. A VERY significant (or maybe not all that significant yet) event is the picture that Susie took of her mother, which showed another side, a "mysterious, unknown" side of the mother as Susie described. The term Ocean Eyes, Susie interprets not as a term of endearment, but as her father's acknowledgment of the deepness that is present in the mother, how there lies another person beneath the exterior. We know not the significance of this yet, but clearly it is very important as both daughters are shocked by it, and a truly sad part that I read was the way the father reacted to the loss (almost as a dichotomy [that is always depicted between the mother and father]). While the mother fell into spiraling depression and tried to get the family to stray away from all thoughts of Susie, the father starts to build ships in bottles (a favorite pastime of Susie with her dad) and after he builds these, he goes into Susie's room and proceeds to smash all of the bottles he made with his father and Susie. This fit of passion is truly sad to watch, especially as he rips the wallpaper off of the room and bawling atop Susie's bed. But, the significance of this is that 1, it shows that dichotomy between the father and mother, and 2 because it shows Susie's first (I assume out of many break-throughs because of the diction used) break through to the normal world. Her father sees her in the shards of the broken bottle which causes him to go into his hysterical fit of passion, much like Chillingworth when he discovers Dimmesdale's Scarlett Letter, just with a sense of empathy. and the closing lines of the chapter show that the psychological toll of Susie's death is only beginning to take affect on the Father's mind and that nothing is ever certain, and when you undergo this much trauma, you begin to question whether whats real or not. Ultimately, this closing scene is both sad and powerful as we see Buckley developing into what will be the Man of the house (seeming to foreshadow a possible early demise of the father?) But what we see here uniquely, is that there is a rift forming between the family, that both the mother and father seem to have other sides, I say this because of Buckley's hesitation to hug his father. The quotes that talk about his lineage (his 3 children) seem to suggest the early demise as he wouldn't worry about this at all, or any of his overall life accomplishments, unless he was near the verge of his end. So far this book is very exciting and I am truly enjoying it.
Dang it RON.! I attempted to read your whole thing but then my head started hurting a little. I really couldn't believe that they had a "student-smoking lounge". Imagine Brandeis with one of those..the kids would never leave.!
I honestly don't have much to say about this chapter at the moment I need to think about it more..
The deeper the story gets the more you notice the difference between their reactions.
Okay so I'm doing laundry and reading this novel and it has me so teary eyed. The way that Alice Seabold wrote this novel is amazing, I can actually feel the characters pain and can only sympathize for what they're going through. One of the lines that really killed me was "Susie, my baby, my little sailor girl,"(46). When Susie's father says this I feel the pain he feels about his daughters death and his reaction after this is violent. He goes and smashes all the ships in bottles, and after he is done and looks at all of the pieces of glass he see's Susie's face in them. This was the first time Susie "broke through", December 23, 1973. Just like Ron already said I feel that Susie's mothers "Ocean eyes", and the fact that both Susie and Lindsay see a mother that is a stranger will be significant further in the novel. I believe it will help us to further understand their mother. Another important part in chapter 3 is "Buckley drew back and stared at my fathers creased face, the fine bright spots of tears at the corners of his eyes. He nodded seriously and kissed my father's cheek. Something so diving that no one up in heaven could have made it up; the care a child took with an adult."(47). I find this part extremely significant, because I feel like this is some sort of foreshadowing of how things will be for a while. Since Buckley doesn't fully understand what's going on and is the only level headed person he will be the one to "take care" of everyone else. I also agree that this may possibly show that someday Buckley will be the man of the house and the father won't. Also the quote "He would find his Susie now inside his young son. Give that love to the living."(48), sort of shows that the father is maybe coming to terms that Susie won't be back and he will have her live through Buckley. I also feel that Ruth won't and isn't giving up on figuring out the own mystery she is battling with (when Susie touched her). But yeah people I would continue but I gotta go fold my clothes so later ..
In chapter 3 I was also shocked about the student smoking lounge. I thought Ruth was all innocent but she wasnt, she smoked marijuana that she took from Clarissa's locker. This was mostly about how the father dealt with death and he broke down. I think Susie wanted to be the only to see that side of her mother in that picture, but Lindsey knows now.
Well, hii everyone.I am obviously not a part of your class but i just recently finished reading the book. It took me about, not even a week to finish this book. I absolutely enjoyed reading this book. I cant even begin to explain how much i hated Mr. Harvey. But my most favorite character in the book was Lindsey. I felt that she was one person that really deserved sympathy. the way she handled and responded to Susie's death was astounding for someone her age. I felt like she lost her childhood somewhere in between supporting her family and mourning her sisters death.Then there's Ruth, who i believe is an interesting character. I don't want to say anything else on her because I'm afraid I'll ruin it. I loved the way the author portrayed Susie's character.I like the though of her watching this whole thing from heaven, and still have the same teenage issue's to worry about. Well i wish you all luck and hope you enjoy reading this book as much as i did.
I think this book is so sad and beautiful all at the same time.
1st: Mr.Havery is so suspicious it just that the detective so blinded by the normal life he carries. He used his dead wife as a cover up so the detective felt bad. I feel like Mr. Harvey has an infatuation with the matter of command and building things. I believe he makes new structures to lure girls in to them. I felt the line about the girls and their name was total foreshadowing! He is sooo mean =(!
2nd: Buckley has an incredible relationship with Susie. He is so innocent and outs his demands for his sister. When he found out that she was dead it was like he already knew. The shoe represented Susie and he wanted that shoe and by cupping it he knew that she was gone. Poor child, he really showed that he really missed Susie. Also it was pretty sad when Susie first cried. She really didn’t want her bother to know. This was the first time she cried in her heaven. Her mother crying and her dad crying never got her emotional.
3rd: Those chess pieces are significant because Lindsey the iron and she hard and strong. Dad the car (always in motion moving trying to find new things going) mom is the cannon (controlled and shooting out because others make her). Only one that troubles me is Susie being a shoe?
4th: This kiss between Lindsey and Samuel. It was so cute and I feel like in a way Susie will live in her sister. All the adventures she didn't get she will not have because she is dead. She won't have that first real relationship. But she will be alive in Lindsey!
5th: I hope in the movie Samuel is hottie!!! (Laugh out loud) =)
AWW when I read that they kissed even my stomach filled up with butterflies.! I found it crazy how he used his "wife" as a cover up for the RIDICULOUS tent he was putting up. Like seriously..A tent.? IN THE WINTER.! what are you a mountain climber or something.?
KISSY.! I agree with you and the significance of the pieces (monopoly by the way not chess). Maybe Susie is the shoe because she's the one leading them to find her murderer and helping them move on with their life. You can't really grasp everything running you have to walk slowly, basque in the scenery and Susie can help.
REYANKA.! You're getting me so excited to finish this book.! I already heard it was good but you just made my curiosity multiply.!
ALYSSA.! I hope you didn't mess up your laundry.
EVERYONE.! Seriously, I'm really getting to the point where I want to attack Mr. Harvey with a butcher knife. I don't think Susie is such a rebel for stealing the weed I mean sometimes you are caught in the moment and do something dumb. Also.! I like how Alice slowly reveals how deep her bond with every one actually was..even if the family members don't actually take out time to notice each other.
RON.! Your posts kill me. =.=
Well I have to finish hw..later.
well for me that monopoly part just about killed me..It's just so sad how he covered the monopoly piece and then realize what his father was trying to tell him and he kept the shoe piece but it later disappear from his dresser...awww...Also i'm so glad that Susie's father is finally catching on to Mr. Harvey. YES!...Although that kiss between Lindsey and Samuel was cute i could have sworn he was the bot that was liking her sister Susie, so i found that to be out of the blue.....i'll be back to post about chapter six (haven't read it yet)..laugh out loud
Liz the boy that likes Susie is Ray not the one that kissed Lindsey and the book is getting good. I don't want to put it down.
oh ok thanks julie.i forgot his name until chapter 6...oh my god, my two favorite quotes from chapter 6 are "Our only kiss was like an accident-a beautiful gasoline rainbow",aww, and "She was the quietest kind of rebel", i love that one the most. it's kind of crazy that Ruth isn't even in high school yet but she's drinking bourbon with her father but it seems more like he was forcing her (not physically but like emotionally, i don't know MAYBE IT'S JUST ME). shaking my head. Ruth is an interesting character. i like her. and i feel like Susie is sort of living through Ruth because in this quote "i was staring at his lips. they were redder than usual from the cold. Ruth took a step forward." "Do you want some lip balm?" Ruth asked. It's like Susie was insdie of her head and instantly she responded.
AHHH had to comment again man.!
"Our only kiss was like an accident-a beautiful gasoline rainbow"<-- Awesome quote.! It shows how even at the youngest of ages you feel something strong when with that "Special Person"
So far (i kind of read a head a little bit) Lindsey is my favorite character I think Susie death has effected her in a positive way (as wired as that sounds) Lindsey is a strong character and I like the fact that she wants to create her own path she doesn't want to be characterized by her sister.
when i read what happened to Buckley when he was younger i was like oh my god...that was just so crazy..and the part about her grandmother, "Grandma Lynn predicted i'd have a long life because i had saved my brother's. As usual, Grandma Lynn was wrong.", was sad...although it is kind of early (i read ahead too) in chapter 8, it sort of shows why Mr. Harvey is the way he is... cough *because his father made his mother leave when he was only like maybe 5 years old*...sad but i feel no remorse for a guy that can kill his next door neighbor's daughter then keep telling him how sorry he is for his lost and he hopes the cops "catch the bastard"..ugghh
I love this book!!!
I think that even though
Buckley is not crying all the time or of in an "ocean" like existence, he shows the same hurt about his sister’s death. I can’t believe Susie rescued his life like that. She seems like a hero at such a young age. I feel like that even if he is too young to understand that she is gone he still feels her presence. He is so not like Lindsey, he is not avoiding the fact that she does come back (in fact) he totally encourages her when he tells his friend Nate that he sees her. Poor little guy, he doesn't even understand death but stills manages to keep her alive!
OH! And I can't believe I said chess pieces... Silly me!
Sorry i havent blogged anyways, Lindsey is growing up slowly and I agree with Kenya Susies death has a postive effect on Lindsey ..plus I read ahead too. I cant stop reading it. I also agree with Kissy I love this book too! Ruth is such an interesting character, the author really makes you think about every move she makes. Chapt. 7 wow i was surprised to read about what happened to Buckley he's lucky he survived all thanks to his sister Susie who drove him to the hosptial. Surprised to read that Susie could drive. Can't wait to read even more...
Kenya you misspelled WEIRD.!
Oh gosh I can't believe that happened to Buckley (no offense to him he's a douche), Yea I know he's young. =] If it weren't for Susie they would have only had one child. Poor Lindsey.! I feel for her the most. I think she's the most complex character with her built up walls while at the same time, her ability to control who lets in ie her boo. >=] Ruth is also an interesting character the connection she has with Susie is AMAZING. they are sooo In sync. I hate the fact that I read ahead cause I don't want to be the party pooper an blurt out all the interesting parts. I just have to say we're going to be HIGHLY surprised by Susie's mom and Ruth..well kind of. UGH CATCH UP GUYS I'M EXCITED.!!
oh crimsley's smile you just had to show suspense its such a goot thing that i already read the book so im going to tell you all that the good stuff is comming and it involves our main character. so come n every one keep reading. i felt the book was a little boring in the middle with some good parts once in a while but everyone the end is GREAT...
I keep on reading ahead and I like sometimes don't want to blog because I don't want to spoil it like some people ( just kidding). When I read the part of about Susie saving Buckley, I imagined her as a great superhero who was finally defeated. Lindsey gets a little more interesting as you read on like wow.
LMAO you know what Julie..lick a boot. =] And ahhh I didn't tell anything it was more like foreshadowing or a hint or *wink* guess what's going to happen.
Guys we're starting to slack off on the blogging..I'ma going to attack.. =]
Oh and I don't think that Lyndsey shouldn't have "done the nasty", I honestly feel she wasn't ready. I feel it was one of those moments when you are caught up and you just need to escape so you do what ever. I found it hilarious that he got "stiff" though..like I was trying not to laugh in the train when I read it.
And G-ma does bring the life and brightness back into the home. The fact that she made it a little easier for Lyn. was awesome..the makeup newly defined her. And if that's all she needed to start making those steps toward a better life..GO ON. and Lyndsey needs to learn how to put her own make up cause her g-ma could disappear.
To me, the mother is trying so hard to block out her daughter’s death that she is blocking out what she feels.She does not want to think about think about her child death, so she doubts anything that has to do with it. I think Lindsay has tooken the place of her mother. Ever since the makeup and looking in the mirror she has realized she is a woman now and she could take care of herself. I think the mom is not being the mother that she was before because she's using her daughter’s death to get away. She is behaving distant because being a mother to two children will always remind her that she did lose her little girl!
Mr. Harvey, I believe, is feeling the pressure. I don’t think he ever killed a girl so close to home. He is feeling the pain and the magnitude of his horrible ways. OMG to me killing animals is not the way to be gentle. To me, we are all animals! You kill a puppy; you kill a little girl... IT'S STILL HORRIBLE!!!
Mr. Salmon is so amazing. He is so crazed about this Mr. Harvey that he goes after him. This shows to me that his love for this girl runs strong. He is showing his love so openly and his dedication is amazing. I hope we some type of action from the mother.
Lindsey, I think her having sex at 14 is something she would not have done it if her sister was still alive. She is trying to ball up her feelings and its working. If you get close to the subject of her dead sister either she turns to stone, with the principal, opens up, with Ruth, or change subjects, with everyone including her boyfriend. Sex was just something i think she neeeded to do to prove she was old enough, an adult. When i don't think she is really an adult because she still has a child mentality. Botling up feelings about death is not heathy. When I had my first encounter with death, I didn't exactly know what to do, but cry! I allways think about her and i hide that it hurts when i see others cry. She is truly the strong one!!!
i can't believe he went to her memorial....what a bastard (excuse my french...laugh out loud)...i also can't belive her mother did that... i'm not going to say what because i read ahead.. (i'm in the middle of chapter 12!)...but yeah to stay to pase with the rest of you slow pokes, ugh, so crazy that her and Samuel "did it" at the simposium (don't know if i spelled it right i don't feel like looking in the book...laugh out loud)..she was just caught up in the moment and i agree wit crismely's smile that she probably wouldn't have "done it" at 14 if her sister was still alive....i'm upset that her mother is giving up on her and her father, i mean if ANYONE SHOULD BE DEDICATED TO LOOKING FOR THEIR CHILD WHEN THEY GO MISSING IT SHOULD BE THE MOTHER, ugh, i mean she acts like it was just a pet that went missing, she cried for a little bit and then got over it...so sad...ugh..but ne i really want to say wat Abagail did but ugh until next time...but i'm going to hint at one little thing *its sad when the child has to take the responsibility of the parent*...only if you read ahead you would understand my hate for Susie's mother now...SHE IS UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! I beat everyone to it!
Stages of Grief!
Samuel & Lindsey are just the cutest couple....i can't believe Buckley has a crush already and he's only in kindergarden...Hal sounds like he is ssssssoooooooooooo HOT!!!!...laugh out loud...it's also nice that Lindsey's father is getting back in touch with his kids (playing piggy back rides with Buckley and helping Lindsey shave her legs)...I knew her grandmother would catch on soon that Abagail was cheating on Jack...she just ignores her mother who is trying to have a heart to heart with her and goes on to follow the smell of cigarettes (like a crackhead)to Ruana (love that name; Ray's mother)...this chpter is very revealing though..it shows you that Ruana it sort of just like Abagail; she wanted to be more than just a mother but she's handling it better than Abagail
Ruhala your a bum!!!!!....laugh out loud...just kidding
The Psuchology Steps of Grief(DABDA) is :
Depression = AH I DON'T HAVE A SISTER/ DAUGHTER / Best friend anymore
Anger= AHH every one leave me alone I hate you
Depression= AWW WHY SUSIE.! My SIS / DAUGHTER/ Bestfriend.!
Bargaining: Please I'll do anything, I'll find the Killer, I'll stop dong so and so (depending on person)
Acceptance= (which many in the story haven't reached) Poor Susie I hope she's oh kay..all we can do is hope the cops find the person and that this doesn't happen again.
I think Lyndsey is taking the mom's place..In the story it mentioned that the wife had the most right to be by her husband (in such situations) that it is her place. Yet the whole time young Lyndsey was at his side A LITTLE GIRL.! Who has to accept her new responsibilities that involve her little brother. Her mom was making tea while she was comforting Buckley..shouldn't the mom being doing it.?
P.S. what a smut. SMH X 100.!
I read the whole book (I am such a nerd) but after reading i don't disagree with Lindsay losing her virginity it was her choice her virginity she has her on opinions about it. The Mom really pissed me off, like how you jump ship on your own family, there is a lot of things in my life i didn't, and still do , don't want but i deal with them. As a woman and not a girl i expected Abigail to be a lot stronger then that. This book kept getting me all twisted and its so hard for me not to pass judgment on the characters. As for Mr Harvey i pity him i feel bad for him because there are instances where he knows that what he's doing is wrong and tries to suppress his urges by killing animals instead, but like we said in class in does not erase what he has done. I think it's cool how Lyndsey takes on the role of her Mom because Ive met people who don't care and she just so strong shes my hero LOL
P.S. i think Ray sounds way hotter than Hal
The assignment over vacation is to complete the book and be ready to discuss when we return on 1/4.
Liz- I was able to get the songs in my iTunes Library. I'm more tech-savvy than I thought :)
See you all tomorrow.
Keep reading!
some of you are spelling Lindsey wrong (its not Lyndsey) laugh out loud..but anyway i think it way nice of the neighbors and friends of Susie to have sort of like a candle light visual oin the anniversary of her death...i just upset that her mother didn't even want to look out the window to see how many people actually care that her daughter is dead...like oh my god..but everyone handles their grief differently and she chose to abandon her family..and i'm not upset that Lindsey went crazy on Len because how you're supposed to be finding her sister's murderer and you're messing around with her mother (trifiling)...and i sort of agree with him blaming himself for MR. Harvey getting away because if he would have spent as much time as he did investigating Mr. Harvey as he did Ray then he might have noticed something...i'm currently in the snapshots chapter
What I thought about first when I read chapter 16 I thought oh my Zeus Ruth admits she likes girls and Ray likes Ruth. They got close because of Susie and now Ray was beginning to forget about her. The moment they shared upstairs and the kissing they had I felt that Susie didn’t really like it at first. When Lindsey is upstairs in her bed with her boyfriend, all I could think of is that with Susie’s death lot things happen that normally wouldn’t. Teens upstairs alone in a house full of people, that wouldn’t happen if people weren’t pre occupied.
Everyone speaks of the mother as a horrible person, but everyone deals with death in their own way. She is using her daughter’s death to become free. The death is the way out. No one’s notice that she preoccupied with books because all they could think about is Susie. I find it funny how the husband doesn’t notice that his wife does not want to have anything to do with him in a sexual manner and how that is never discussed. He stays in the den so he won’t be near her because he is always thinking of Susie and Mr. Harvey. When she finally told her daughter she wanted to be more than just a mother, I realized that becoming more than just a mother is the way she moves on from the death of her daughter. I think she wants to prove to her daughter that she can do more than needle pointing.
With the memorial I think it was the most beautiful thing but the mother hiding from her family was the most heart retching. But Susie never days anything about the way her mother treats the death of her daughter. Susie never says it’s horrible or she feels unloved. I think she understands he mother and her need to move on. The memorial was also a sign, it was time to move on and people were truly there to say goodbye. I don’t think Susie really wanted them to say goodbye. Saying goodbye meant she was not on their minds any more that she was not that important. As the years went by least came to hr memorial.
The snapshot chapter was really difficult because it was all the things she could never do. Ruth and Ray went to college and as they let her go in different ways. To me Ray let her go the worst. Even though they were young to me that seem like they were in love from like one kiss. That was Susie only chance to be in love. The mother going away was the hardest part for me. Her going shows how much she is ready to push the memory away. But when she is alone she can feel her feelings come back to her. Abigail knows what she did was wrong and now she paying for it. But it’s going to take her sometime to come back. The camera metaphor is a example of how much she wants these moments for herself. How much she misses the chances to go to college, and be in love, and have sex, and have a life. Holiday dyeing was perfect because at least she gets a little of her life back from earth!
Can’t wait to read on!
BTW: I hope Hal is a hottie because he sounds like one lmao!!
I haven't been on this site in a while, but I HATE the ending. I did not like the fact that Susie's father did not get a chance to catch Mr. Harvey. I was hoping that Mr. Harvey would be brought to justice some kind of way. The way Mr. Harvey died, was anti-climactic. Why did an icicle have to end his life?
Lately I've been forgetting to been blog, sorry Ms.Levine! I n chapter 17-Bones, 8 years past and Lindsey is now 21 , living the life that Susie hoped for herself up from heaven. Lindsey and Samuel are highschool sweethearts, there like the perfect couple. Ruth is such a werid girl seeing ghosts of the murdered and she writes prayers for them. Buckley trying to use Susie's clothes as tomato stakes, is a sign hes willing to let her go but Jack isnt, argues with his son and has a heartattack. Its werid how Jack being the hosiptal brings Susies mother back into there lives again. Jack begins to fall in love with his wife all over again. She has to work hard now to get her the trust and love of her childern. I think when Susies mother and father cried together of what they lost brought them closer together in the hospital. Its funny how Lindsey's #5 haunts Mr.Harvey. Chapter 22 is unbeveilable of how Susie falls to earth in Ruths body and obtains her greatest desire to being with Ray againg kissing him again and experiencing making love to him. Chapter 23 explains the title this is probably Ayeshas favorite part laugh out loud. This the chapter where they finally let go of Susie and knowing that she will always be in there hearts. Lindsey and Samuel live happiy ever after. I agree with Lily about how Susies father never caught Mr. Harvey but he deserved his death and its the way Susie wanted him to die. Can't wait to see the movie!!!!
AHHH sorry guys I'm reading as fast as I can.! So we can discus and you guys won't murder me.!
WOW! I certainly haven't been here in a LONG! time. But..
YSABEL: Read faster!!!! (ha ha kidding)
Okay, so I hate the way that this book ends, like seriously? That is not the way justice is served! He should have been raped as well!! He deserved a more crucial death than that!I can't wait to watch the movie!
I definitely agree jessica, but remember that is the perfect weapon to commit a crime with because it melts away as Susie said earlier in the book .. that was probably some type of foreshadowing.
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