Monday, December 7, 2009

The Color of Water

Use this post to share your reactions to James McBride's memoir. I hope you enjoy the last book of the semester!


casa da poesia said...

Yeah!...I will sing!

She Rox Your Soxz!(Giselle) said...

(okkkay so im writing this in make up for the first packet lol)

The chaper The Bicycle is sorta my favorite chapter so far it was named after james mom Ruth's habit of riding her bicycle through a black neighborhood (where they lived).She started to do this after her second husband died of a stroke. James knew him as "Daddy." The whole family didnt take the death of daddy very well. because of this James began failing his classes and turned to drugs. Ruth im guessing needed a sort of movement to keep her busy and thats by riding her bicycle. To James, the bike symbolized embarrassment.James does not like seeing the fact of looking at his white mom surrounded by blacks. James knows his mom is different and questions it.

i dont understand why he cant deal with what goin on ...his family is unique

Joshua Wilson said...

Surprisingly, i like this book. And the packets that we get everyday are pretty cool too. My favorite part in the book is when James is having a conversation with his mother, and asks her what color God is. Her reply actually made me think for a while. I thought to myself: God has no color, does he? Then I think about all the times when my family tells me that God is in the image of (wo)man, which I think supported Rachel/Ruth's statement that God is the color of water. I think that it's a topic that will dwell in my mind for a while, something that may produce no answer......

Reyankax3 said...

aww i'm upset we don't have much comments here. Well anyhow, I like the book so far. I cant say that i love it. Maybe that's because i haven't gotten into the story as much. But i actually love to read the chapters from the mother's pov,it's so cool to read about her home life. It's really sad how all the memories she has of her father is of him acting rude or him molesting her. It's interesting the way his mother is shown. Because i feel that she is like a coconut. A tough, hard shell on the outside but soft on the inside. And maybe the narrator, James hasn't gotten so far as to breaking through her shell. It's interesting, and slightly mysterious how every converation for her can be ended with the God or Education card. God is the color of water, i feel this gives you so much to think about.

Anonymous said...

omggggggg i cant believe her father did what he did to her almost all the books we have read so far someone gets rapped. i love the way the mother sort of has a hunger for her children to go to college and be some one.she has her kids life planned already and she is willing to do anyhting to make sure that they are all sucessful

Lucky said...

Reyanka: It's cuz we SUCK!

Anywho, as everyone else said I am surprised that I like this book because since last year, all we've been doing is reading about colored BORING people. So when Ms.Levine sai danother book about the same topic I had a negative feeling on it.
I like the fact that it takes place in NY and that it has cool words like REEFER. :) (Live above the influence)

It's pretty awesome how there's a quiz going on right this instant and I am chillin here blogging. HA.


stephanie po. said...

I love this book. I love the fact that it has real life situations and problems. When i looked at it, I thought that it was going to be just like "the color purple" and it kind of is. It has a lot to do with racism and abuse. I feel like thoses are two important factors that will follow me as I read more books. I hate the fact that Ruth's father sexually abused her. To be such a strict and protective dad, he abuses his child like that. Also, the way he talks to his wife is inapropriate. This proves that he is a selfish and mean man because how could you love someone and suddenly stop just because she is handicapped. It just makes no sense to me. I think something really bad is going to happen to the dad, sooner or later.

Katherine said...

hmm..where do I start. well lets just say I like this book so far. It's every interesting and it grabs my attention.Usually I always sigh when Ms. Levine says "hey guys! I have a new book for us to read." However, im actually happy that im reading this book. We took a quiz this morning on the chapter "New York" and it was upsetting that Ruth's aunt actually would throw away their culture because they think another culture would best suite them.LIke I feel so sorry for mameh because of how her husband treats her. So unfair! how would he like if i treated him in such harsh ways and made fun of his only pants that he wears 24/7. lol
Thats it for now.

Anonymous said...

Oh crap, quiz.I am home sick with what i think are symptoms of the FLU, NOT H1N1, and reading this book at the moment. I've moved forward from the liking to loving this book. I agree with Stephanie P on how he can be so strict with his daughter and still be abusive like that. I sympathize with Mameh, because of her atrocious husband. Poor Rachel/Ruth. I really liked Daddy/Mr.Hunter Jordan but its sad what happened to him. Ruth seems to have suffered lots of heartbreaks and pain regarding men throughout her life. First her 1st husband dies then Mr. Hunter Jordan. But it's amazing how shes handled herself and kept up after what shes been through.

Reyankax3 said...

The previous comment was by me :)

Lucky said...

I loved the ending of Chicken Man.
It was ironic how Chicken Man remarked on men fighting (verbally) with woman because it makes men look fools. Yet he ends up arguing with a woman and getting stabbed (and dying) by her the next day.

Stephanie Pi said...

chicken man is my fav chapter so far..its very intense. expecially the ending

Ms. Levine said...

Excellent job at the Holiday Concert!
I am so proud of every one of you.

Enjoy the weekend.

Work on your "I Am What I Am" poems...Can't wait to read them :)

She Rox Your Soxz!(Giselle) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
She Rox Your Soxz!(Giselle) said...

Ok so again I am bloging, but it's to make up for handing in my completed but late home work packet.

In chapter 4 the author talks about black power which was very popular back then. The author describes black power as a symbol for blacks to represent their race. During the time of black power many changes were around . There was forces being started like The Black Panthers. Even though James approved of Black Power his mother was unconcered about it. If it didn't involve going to school or church she cared less about it.
I really love how James mother Ruth don't want her kids to grow up and be a nothing the rest of their life, she really does care for them. what I like also is that james really cares for his mom just she cares about him. James in this chapter protects her. 
One day when James was on the bus on the way to Fresh Air camp and a new kid showed up. The new kid said his father was part of The Black Panthers. James jumped into the seat in front of him . James was worried for his mother because she was standing next to the black panthers father, James wanted to warn his mom , but the councelor stop him from getting up. So what James did to resolve his problem was he punch the kid straight in the face with his fist. 

Ms. Levine said...

Happy Holidays!

The Homework over vacation is to read Chapters 19-22 and complete the Packet.

See you all in 2010!

Reyankax3 said...

Well, I shall be the first to comment in the new year. Well after Lucky, but her comment has nothing to do with the book :). I just finished reading the chapter Dennis. He was such a sweet man and he treated Ruth very well and loved her so much. It's terribly said that he died like that.

Deronzshv said...

The six Hoodia Brands that passed their testing process are: Desert Burn ZA 750, Hoodoba Brand, Dr. Something else that we have seen is to lay claim to be 100% Hoodia Gordonii tablets while selling at what looks like a really special low price. In a test conducted in some pharmaceutical company it was found that at least half of the products advertised as containing Hoodia contained none.