Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Scarlet Letter: Scaffold Scene 3

In this scene, we are showing Dimmesdale's death. In our scene, Dimmesdale is lying on the scaffold with Pearl, Hester and Chillingworth around him. Pearl is finally accepting him as her father and Hester is in mourning. Chillingworth is mad because his life's accomplishment is dead. -Ayesha


Liz said...

in this scene i am Dimmesdale..(the guy who's dying).... this scene shows Dimmesdale dying of his guilt that he held in..

Ysabel said...

This scene shows that Ayesha is evil. But anyways this scene also shows Pearl's new found appreciation of Dimmesdale (in a way). A little too late no.?

Julianne said...

Alyssa looks like she is happy that Dimmesdale is dieing. Why?

Deja said...

Laugh out loud to Julie. Who knows? As for this scene, I liked it the best because it was more dramatic. When I first look at this picture, i automatically see a man dying and people mourning his death. Even before the details, a picture should grab attention or else who will look at it?

Ruhala said...

I agree with Deja, this was more of dramatic scene and it defintely grabs yor attention. Ayesha looks creepy and evil.

jessica said...

Alyssa is not happy, but the smirk on her face can symbolize how happy she is that Dimmesdale confessed his adultery and recognized Pearl ad his daught

Raymondhsxc said...

I agree with Deja, this was more of dramatic scene and it defintely grabs yor attention. Ayesha looks creepy and evil.

Jencnut said...

Alyssa is not happy, but the smirk on her face can symbolize how happy she is that Dimmesdale confessed his adultery and recognized Pearl ad his daught