Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Scarlet Letter: Scaffold Scene 2

Dimmesdale is being eaten alive by his guilty conscience for having sinned and not confessed it. So, in the middle of the night, he decides to let out some of his bottled up anguish by confessing to the eerie night. -Ron

As Dimmesdale stands there, Mistress Hibbins, a witch, looks out to see him. [Hester and Pearl ascend] the scaffold and hold hands like a string of electricity. -Kiswana

Pearl is happy, secretly sensing that Dimmesdale is her father. -Deja

Chillingworth is in the dark sidelines creeping up behind Dimmesdale, showing that he has him right where he wants him. -Julianne


Lily said...

In scaffold scene 2, I think Julianne looked a little out of place. However, the scene was great. I liked how Pearl looked up at Dimmesdale because she is acknowledging that he is her father.

Ysabel said...

I agree with Lily. BUT HAY.! Love the hair Julie.! =]

Deja said...

This scene was actually my least favorite, not the picture but the book, because it annoys me how they're always incognito yet never REALLY incognito because Chillingworth is always there.

Deja said...

*P.S..The jacket worked...rolling on the floor laughing.

Jessica said...

Yes MY jacket worked! laughing out loud.

Alyssa said...

This scaffold scene came out really good. Julie you look alittle out of place but your hair and the way you portrayed Mistress Higgins was great. Kissy really portrayed the pain and anguish Hester feels very well. You could see it all in her face. Oh, and Chillingworth (Ron) was just the best. His hump is really creepy!